I am out of the office & won’t be responding to outreach of any kind: –
e.g. texts, website inquiries, calls, emails, SimplePractice messages or letters sent by owl😊
Hmu anyway tho -- I'll get back to you when I am back in the office, in order of urgency.
If you request an appointment or consultation, your request will hold that time for you on my calendar.I will confirm them as usual, post-27th.

mini- sabbatical
Oct 4-27
In case of a mental health emergency, call 988 or go to your nearest emergency room.
If you have urgent or crisis needs, please use resources from this list to get help right now:
local resources:
Multnomah County Crisis Line: 503-988-4888
Washington County Crisis Line: 503-291-9111
Oregon Warmline: 1-800-698-2392
(not crisis, but need to talk to someone confidentially)
Click here for info about the Oregon Warmline &
their hours of operation.
Teens: Call, text, chat or email: https://oregonyouthline.org/
national resources:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.TALK(8255)
The Trevor Project (LGBTQ+): text, call or chat 24/7: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/get-help/
Trans Lifeline: US (877) 565-8860.
a peer support phone service run by trans people for our trans & questioning peers. Call if you need someone trans to talk to, even if you’re not in a crisis or if you’re not sure you’re trans.​
urgent & crisis resources
for clients
& client support people:

If it's not an emergency, but you need to check-in with a therapist sooner than my return date, please reach out to one of my wonderful and wise colleagues who have made themselves available to my clients.
These folks can provide a response to your email or a quick (up to 15 min) phone call on the following dates:
Mon Oct 7 - Wed Oct 9:
Jeremy Jones (they/them)
(503) 744-7440 jeremyjones@thinkingaboutthoughtscounseling.com
Mon Oct 14 - Fri Oct 18:
Chris Jones (she/they)
(541) 919-4404
Mon Oct 21 - Wed Oct 23:
Jeremy Jones (they/them)
(503) 744-7440
Fri Oct 25 - Mon Oct 27:
Amanda Holden (she/her)
collegaues available for my clients
during this time: